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Playlist Video for Week 55 (click here)

Day 380: There is a day, Lou Fellingham (Easter Sunday)

This song captures the hope that Christians have in terms of what Easter Sunday means in terms of redeeming our present universe from all the pain, suffering, death and wickedness that so many people experience on a day to day basis. I’ll admit that sometimes it feels almost impossible to hold onto this hope but at the end of the day, as Simon Peter (one of the 12 Disciples) once said to Jesus when he asked his disciples whether they wanted to leave too, replied: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68-69)

I have now found the studio version of this song so replaced the original live version, which was part of this original post, when it was first published at Easter 2021. The studio version has some really clever imagery with a rejected mirror found on a rubbish dump that gives glimpses of the future hope that is all around us if only we could see through these present sufferings and trust in the Christ’s redemptive power.

Happy Easter!

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