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Playlist Video for Week 50 (click here)

Day 344: Love Story, Taylor Swift

Wow we’ve made it to week 50. It is incredible to think that in the UK we have pretty much been in some form of lockdown now for nearly a whole year. OK so here goes: I have resisted Taylor Swift for long enough. Although she is a bit of mega star, I must confess I’m not a great fan of most of her music perhaps it is her very strong country American accent that comes across in all her music (not sure really). Songs like “Teardrops on my guitar” feel just too easy to parody (“Dreeeew loooks aaat meee .. Dreew taalks tooo me, I laugh because heeees sooooo foonny”). However Love Story is one song that I can listen to. Won’t say it is at the top of my playlist but it is a fairly decent song.

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