Covid Island Discs

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Playlist Video for Week 6 (click here)

Day 42: I get knocked down, Chumawamba

This song is for all those Oak hall ski companions and the wonderful memories of fantastic ski holidays in Switzerland. One year we performed this song to these changed lyrics.

I get knocked out but get up again and I’m still going to ski black runs.
I get knocked out but get up again and I’m still going to land on my bum.
Oh Danny boy, please slow down before you kill me..

Danny boy was a reference to Naomi’s brother Daniel who I think had either never skied before or had skied once before this trip. Anyway, he had absolutely no fear so pretty much went from the top to the bottom of the slope with skis parallel and pretty much no turns – fast and furious one might say.

My Video Summary

If you click on the Playlist Video for Week 6 (top right of this page) you will be taken to a single video which allows you to play each song in this week's list one after the other. Alternatively, if you watch my own video summary below of this week's songs at the end of the video two playlist links will appear. The one on the left hand side will take you to the video playlist for this week while the one on the right will take you to a single video playlist that allows you to play the complete Covid Island Discs collection for all the currently completed weeks so far — well over 200 songs and counting!

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