Template Editor

This form list templates that have been created in your organisation or laboratory. Templates are saved linked to the username of the person who was logged in when the template was originally saved. When you first enter the form only the templates the logged in user created will be visible. Tick the “Show all Users” option to see all the templates that have been saved by all the users in your organisation or laboratory.

Note if you have put the Platemaker wizard into tutorial mode in the Program Options form, then you will only see the list of Tutorial templates that come shipped with the program. When the program is in this mode, the “Show All Users” option will be disabled Figure 1.

Note it is not possible to alter the actual workbook structure the template creates here. If you want to do that, then first load the contents of the template into “Create New Data Entry Workbook” wizard by ticking the “Adjust template settings” on page 1 of the wizard. Then save the adjusted container build specification under a slightly different name and if you want to replace the original template, just delete it using the delete button on template editor form and rename your newly saved template to the name of the template you have just deleted.

Figure 1: The template Editor form when the program has been set into tutorial mode. In this mode only the close and run template buttons are active to prevent users from renaming or deleting tutorial templates that come shipped with the Platemaker Wizard.

Delete Button: deletes selected template unless the program is in tutorial mode in which case the Delete button is disabled preventing users from inadvertently deleting the tutorial templates that are included with this program.

Rename Button: When you select a template name it appears in the template name field. You can then type a new name in this field and push Rename button to update selected template in the list box to the new name you have typed in the template name field. Note different users can have templates with the same name, but obviously a single user cannot have two templates with the same name. If the program is in tutorial mode, then this button is disabled as you cannot rename the tutorial templates shipped with this program.

Run Template: Creates the container workbook that the selected template name describes. The workbook is not saved to the hard drive except if the program is in tutorial mode and then the output of the template is saved in the Platemaker Wizard’s current data folder in the subfolder “Tutorials\Current User’s Login Name\Tutorial Template Name”. That way different users learning how to operate the Platemaker Wizard, by running the training tutorial templates, will create their own template-built workbooks inside their own personal user directory.

Close Button: Dismisses the Template Editor Window.

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