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Playlist Video for Week 49 (click here)

Day 337: Sylvia’s Mother, Dr Hook

So last week I shared a classic hit from the 70s from the US band Dr Hook. This is another one of their not so well known song that tells an interesting story about a guy who has lost the love of his life, Sylvia. As he argues over the phone with her mother (Mrs Avery) about whether he can speak to her so he can “tell her goodbye”, each verse slowly unfolds the story of Sylvia moving on in her life marrying a guy from down Galveston way.

Meanwhile as he continues to plead with her non-budging mother, the operator keeps coming on the line saying: “and the operator says 40c more for the next three minutes please”. As you can guess if you have read some of this blog, this song really appeals to me because of the rich lyrical content.

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