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Playlist Video for Week 30 (click here)

Day 210: The Fletcher Memorial Home, Pink Floyd

This is from the final Pink Floyd album with Roger Waters and it was appropriately titled the Final Cut. I have already posted the title song on day 173 of Covid Island Discs. The album has a very strong anti-war theme as it was pretty much Waters protest against the Falkland war of the 1980s. This is perhaps the darkest song on the album where Waters imagines rounding up all world leaders who make and cause war and placing them in a special home (named after his late father who was killed in world war II when Roger was only 5 months old).

An August 2022 update: Today the breaking news on Sky is a massive escalation in tensions between China, Taiwan and the USA as China live miltary exercises breaches Taiwan’s territory. All in response to a visit by the US Senate leader Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. What with the mess the UK is in currently as Truss and Sunak try to out rightwing each other by offering us a dystopian vision of a world with nearly zero taxes, zero services and slave wages, this song has never felt somehow more apt even given its rather ungodly solution to the world’s “leadership question”

My Video Summary

If you click on the Playlist Video for Week 30 (top right of this page) you will be taken to a single video which allows you to play each song in this week's list one after the other. Alternatively, if you watch my own video summary below of this week's songs at the end of the video two playlist links will appear. The one on the left hand side will take you to the video playlist for this week while the one on the right will take you to a single video playlist that allows you to play the complete Covid Island Discs collection for all the currently completed weeks so far — well over 200 songs and counting!

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